Clockwise, from above: □ Yellowstone falls □ Old Faithful □ The amazing landscapes of Bryce Canyon
Clockwise, from above: □ Yellowstone falls □ Old Faithful □ The amazing landscapes of Bryce Canyon
Vacation 2004
October 16, 2004
Certainly the highlight of this year was our 10 day trip through five of the western national parks. We enjoyed the beauty of God’s creation, and (believe it or not) each other’s company!
Our trip started in northern Arizona at the north rim of the Grand Canyon. Mom and the kids got to ride burros on a trail near the canyon’s edge (the heavy-duty burros were unavailable, so Dad had to sit that one out).
Next stop was Zion, and then Bryce Canyon, both in Utah. Finally we went through Grand Teton on the way to the “big daddy”: Yellowstone. That is truly an amazing place.
I only put a couple pictures up here in the blog post. There are lots more in the photo album, and we even put together a little video of the trip.